We Finally Figured Out The Secret Of New York Pizza And Bagels.

We Finally Figured Out The Secret Of New York Pizza And Bagels.

We’ve all heard someone say that New York pizza and bagels are superior to other brands. But what distinguishes these doughs, and why is it so location-specific? The number one explanation given is in the ingredient list: water. If the water is from somewhere other than New York, your pizzas and bagels will lack the perfect crisp yet supple, chewy bite that so many people adore. But does water make a significant difference? It turns out that yes!

How Does New York Water Different?

The New York Watershed has water that flows down from the Catskills and, after treatment, has low calcium and magnesium contents, making it “soft.” This is crucial for both taste and gluten development.

The American Chemical Society states, “Calcium and magnesium in hard water strengthen the gluten in the dough, making the finished product tougher and stronger.” With very soft water, the dough becomes smooth and sticky.” But water and gluten are merely the beginning of the narrative.

Soft water also affects the dough’s natural flavor, as low calcium and magnesium concentrations taste slightly saltier due to the increased sodium ions.

Do You Have To Be In New York To Recreate New York Pizza And Bagels?

Fortunately, you do not need to be in New York to make “the best” pizza and bagels. And don’t worry, you don’t need to send special water to cook the tastiest bagels or pizza at home. Determining the pH of your water and finding any essential flavoring ingredients such as chlorine, iron, or sulfur will be beneficial.

To get the best water for pizza, filter it!

Adding calcium sulfate to the water when making bagels can help achieve the optimal Goldilocks state. Remember to boil them!

The Key To A Real New York Bagel.

Before baking, New York bagels are boiled in water and barley malt, giving them a distinct texture. A longer boil and thicker crust prevent rising, resulting in a dense interior, whereas a shorter boil produces a crusty yet soft bagel bite.

This practice dates back to Eastern European Jewish immigrants who came to the United States throughout the nineteenth century. Maria Balinska’s book The Bagel: The Amazing History of a Modest Bread traces the iconic bagel back to a 13th-century boiled ring-shaped bread called “obwarzanek.” A smaller, single-serving bread variant was also created, known as “baggies” in Polish.

The more recent way of manufacturing bagels, launched in the 1990s, employs ovens that inject steam during baking. This allows bakers to produce more bagels in a shorter period of time while also eliminating the critical boiling stage. Steam provides the final bagel color and sheen but not the coveted chewiness that purists demand.

Why Does New York Pizza And Bagels Stand Out?

1. Consistency and Tradition

New York’s pizza and bagels are deeply rooted in tradition. Many restaurants use recipes and procedures passed down through generations. This regularity in preparation ensures that every slice of pizza and bagel meets the high standards that New Yorkers expect.

2. Community & Culture

New York City’s gastronomic culture is unique. Pizzerias and bagel shops are more than simply locations to get a quick bite; they are an essential community component. New Yorkers’ enthusiasm and pride in their cuisine are critical to preserving the quality and distinctiveness of their pizza and bagels.

3. Attention to detail

Every element is thoroughly monitored to achieve the highest quality product, from the water and materials to the fermentation and baking processes. This attention to detail distinguishes New York pizza and bagels from the others.

In conclusion, the key to New York pizza and bagels combines elements, including a unique water composition, traditional cooking methods, high-quality ingredients, and a cultural commitment to preserving high standards. While duplicating these legendary delicacies outside of New York City may be difficult, learning these secrets puts us one step closer to having the same level of excellence wherever we go.

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